
The English text on this page is more correct in Swedish mode.

Session Topics

The theme for fall 2024 is the Holy Spirit

Schedule for the six sessions on the Holy Spirit this fall

(During the fall of 2024, the initial presentation is held in English, sometimes with clarifications in Swedish. Therefore, there are some parts in the materials that are also in Swedish.)

Click on “Session XX” to view the presented material:

  1. Who is the Holy Spirit? September 18 – Session 29
    (Sent by the Father & the Son, the Helper, the indwelling of the Spirit, the work of the Spirit in Christians, the fruit of the Spirit, etc.)

  2. Baptism and filling with the Holy Spirit – October 2 – Session 30
    (Spirit baptism, to be filled with the Spirit, Spirit baptism's relation to tongues, what is baptism with fire?)

  3. Gifts of the Spirit, Part 1 – October 16 – Session 31
    (The purpose of the gifts. Overview of the gifts mentioned in the NT. Sessions 3–6 then focus mainly on the gifts in 1 Cor 12.
     Gifts: Words of wisdom, words of knowledge.)

    Next session – October 30:

  4. Gifts of the Spirit, Part 2 – October 30 – Session 32
    (Gifts: The gift of faith, gifts of healing, working miracles.)

  5. Gifts of the Spirit, Part 3 – November 13 – Session 33
    (Gifts: The gift of prophecy, to distinguish between spirits.)

  6. Gifts of the Spirit, Part 4 – November 27 – Session 34
    (Gifts: Speaking in different kinds of tongues, interpreting tongues.)

Topics and presented materials at previous sessions are found  further down the page.

Topics for upcoming sessions – preliminary order

Autumn 2024 – session topics:

  • Theme: The Holy Spirit.
    See session descriptions further up the page!

Spring 2025 – preliminary content & order:

  • Water baptism 

  • Prayer: How should we pray? To whom should we pray (the Father/Son/Spirit)? What does praying in Jesus' name mean? Does God always hear/answer our prayers? Biblical faith

  • How to worship God

  • How does God speak to us?

  • Sickness and healing – does God always want to heal?

  • Discipleship

  • The meaning of the communion

  • ...

The list of subjects will be replenished/expanded

Topics at previous Discovery Sessions

Click on "Session XX" to view and download the presented materials:

  • 2022-09-21 – Session 1 The Old Testament – Included books and contents, Jewish history, OT timeline, source manuscripts, OT canon

  • 2022-10-05 – Session 2 – The New Testament – Books, NT timeline and NT canon, important source manuscripts, Bible history until the 20th century

  • 2022-10-19 – Session 3 – Cont. – Bible history, early Swedish Bibles, classification of Bible translations, modern English Bibles

  • 2022-11-02 – Session 4 Cont. – Modern English and Swedish Bibles, and good and bad paraphrases

  • 2022-11-16 – Session 5 Biblical view, exegesis vs eisegesis, Bible Study Tools

  • 2022-11-30 – Session 6 God's character/attributes how (what) is God?  Part 1: God's incommunicableattributes

  • 2022-12-14 – Session 7 God's character/attributeshow (what) is God?  Part 2: God's communicableattributes

  • 2023-02-08 – Session 8 The Trinitywho is God? Part 1: God is one being and, at the same time, threedistinct persons

  • 2023-02-22 – Session 9 The Trinitywho is God?  Part 2: Who is the Father, who is the Son, and who is the Holy Spirit?

  • 2023-03-08 – Session 10 The Trinitywho is God?  Part 3: The ontological versus the economic Trinity. The roles/works of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Various unbiblical teachings about the Trinity – about who God is.

  • 2023-03-22 – Session 11 Angels, Satan and demons. Part 1: Angels – who are they?

  • 2023-04-05 – Session 12 Angels, Satan and demons. Part 2: Satan, the devil – who and what is it/he?

  • 2023-05-03 – Session 13 Angels, Satan and demons. Part 3: Demons – who are they?

  • 2023-05-31 – Session 14 Bible verses that are often misunderstood, taken out of context

  • 2023-09-20 – Session 15 The Nature of Man, Part 1: Created in the image of God

  • 2023-10-04 – Session 16 The Nature of Man, Part 2: Created as male and female – about gender perspectives and about basic distinct roles

  • 2023-10-18 – Session 17 The Nature of Man, Part 3: Same-sex relationships and marriage

  • 2023-11-01 – Session 18 – The Nature of Man, Part 4: Created as spirit, soul and body

  • 2023-11-15 – Session 19 The Nature of Man, Part 5: What is the difference between our soul and our spirit? (Dichotomy vs Trichotomy)

  • 2023-11-29 – Session 20 What is sin? – Part 1 of 2: On sin, transgression and iniquity

  • 2024-02-07 – Session 21 What is sin? – Part 2 of 2: The origin of sin and our sinful nature, God's wrath and judgement for sin

  • 2024-02-21 – Session 22 – The Gospel – Part 1: Why did Jesus have to die?

  • 2024-03-06 – Session 23 – The Gospel – Part 2: Different views of the Atonement

  • 2024-03-20 – Session 24 – The Gospel – Part 3: What did Jesus do in Hades after He died?

  • 2024-04-03 – Session 25 – The Gospel – Part 4: Jesus' resurrection and ascension

  • 2024-04-17 – Session 26 – The Gospel – Part 5.1: Salvation: Salvation from what? Who can be saved? Different belief systems. How can you be saved?

  • 2024-05-15 – Session 27 – The Gospel – Part 5.2: Salvation: Is "the sinner's prayer" in the Bible? Can you believe in Jesus but not be saved? What happens when you become saved?

  • 2024-05-29 – Session 28 – Bible Q&A on IVF, Judgment Day, False Prophets, The rapture and the tribulation